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What do you mean you're "upgrading?" |
I've heard it's better to drop the wee bebe into a nearby bassinet or packnplay in your luxurious master suite, but we don't have the real estate for that kind of set up, and if I'm going to heave myself out of bed to drop someone in a crib, it might as well be located 15 more steps down the hall.
Nighttime parenting is one of the aspects of raising children that absolutely convinces me of the vocational nature of mother and fatherhood. Being a well-fed, gainfully-employed American, there is simply no other area in my life where I come face to face with actual physical suffering on a regular basis, except maybe the delivery room itself.
But at night? Waking repeatedly and frequently against my will and having to tend to the needs of an irrational bundle of joy is the most arduous aspect of this family gig, at least for my flabby soul, and God knows I need the opportunity to practice self-denial.
I go to the gym, I make decent food choices, and I tithe...but I do all these things when I feel like it. Sure, sometimes I put a workout off a couple hours or skip it completely, but I make up for it by redoubling my efforts the next time. There's no real virtue involved in it for me, though. Even in my more athletically ambitious days when I was swimming competitively and running half-marathons, I did all these things because I wanted to.
Parenting isn't like that. Sure, the initial pink-lines-on-a-stick was the direct result of something I wanted to do. But the rest of it? Not so much. At least not all the time.
Being called to physically, emotionally, and mentally put myself, my needs, my preferences, and most importantly (for me) my comfort aside day after day is literally my only shot at becoming a saint.
Some days I'm certain it's my only shot at ending up a halfway decent human being.
The way I lie in bed after the litany of complaint from down the hall has started, praying my husband will react first, or that the siren will peter out and I can roll back over and pass back out, the extra 10 or 20 seconds I keep staring at the computer screen after Joey calls to me "Mommy, look!" or even the disgust I feel toward the middle of each pregnancy, when baby is only half cooked but I already look fully inflated...all of these tendencies say far more about me any my own selfishness than they do about the "neediness" of my kids.
I've said it before and I'll say it here: thank God they need me so much. Thank God they literally need the Hell out of me day in and day out, because I'd literally be cooking happily to death in my own selfishness otherwise, watching re-runs of House Hunters and eating leisurely lunches involving cooked ingredients and green things. And maybe shopping at Pottery Barn just because I felt like it. Nothing wrong with any of those things, by the way, except for me these small, selfish pleasures would consume my entire waking hours, perhaps with the occasional charitable 'event' on the weekend to assure me of my basic decency as a human being.
God knew I was too lazy to practice any kind of asceticism, self-denial, or even good old fashioned discipline on my own. At least not where it counted, and not when I didn't "feel like it."
I can say with almost 100% certainty that I never, ever feel like getting up with a crying baby at night. But I do it. And every time it happens, maybe - just maybe - my tiny grinch heart grows a tenth of a size or something. Am I willingly taking up my Cross to follow Him? Well, still working on the first part of that directive. But every time I act "as if" and follow along anyway, I'm getting closer.
(This post sponsored by hideously ineffective Up-and-Up brand infant tylenol, some $7 homeopathic "congestion clearing" crap we bought at Target, and sheer exhaustion.)
This all, sadly, so true....! And the older I got with a baby, but worse the getting up at night was. Now mine are all old enough to manage themselves for a bit in the morning until crabby Mommy can sleep a little and be nice Mommy. Except for when she's stumbling out of bed at the ungodly hour of 6-ish to yell at the noise making offender who is not respecting the "don't bother Mommy until the clock starts with 7" rule on the one morning in weeks that there has been nothing dragging us out of bed early. Have you tried Vicks Vapor Rub for your snotty baby? I swear by that stuff.
ReplyDeleteA-men- especially that part about sleep & House Hunter reruns.
ReplyDeleteJust wonderful. And I'm so impressed by your wisdom in your state of exhaustion.
ReplyDeleteYep yep yep.
ReplyDeleteBrand new infant over here, and I can't tell you how much I'm feelin this post. I'm shocked at what a tantrumming child I act like when I can't get a fussy infant back to sleep. I'm so short on patience it's embarrassing. You are not an island, promise.
ReplyDeleteYessssssss. And how do you write so well on so little sleep??
Deleteoh dear me. sooooo resonating with me right now. awesome "in the moment" kinda writing.
ReplyDeleteIn my mind, I already left you a comment to tell you how much I appreciated this post (but I probably clicked preview instead of publish or something silly like that in my sleep deprived state). But then I stopped by again to link it to my 5 Favorites and didn't see my comment, so I wanted to make sure you knew: right on. Thanks for writing this!
ReplyDelete"I've heard it's better to drop the wee bebe into a nearby bassinet or packnplay in your luxurious master suite, but we don't have the real estate for that kind of set up, and if I'm going to heave myself out of bed to drop someone in a crib, it might as well be located 15 more steps down the hall."
ReplyDeleteThis made me laugh so hard. When we were house hunting two years ago, we brought along a tape measure to make sure that there was room to get out of bed with a pack and play next to it in at least one of the bedrooms. Because I am not a good cosleeper either but I am all about having the baby in our room so that the only person she wakes up at night is me. Because whoever said that older (and by older I mean my 3 and 2 year olds) children will sleep through a baby crying enough to wake mama and bring her down the hall into their room lied and the only thing worse than an exhausted mama with three busy, bright-eyed children is the same mama with three exhausted children. It's a little tight right now but we're making it work. And as soon as she starts only waking up once or twice a night, out she goes!
And congratulations on your newest!