
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Power of the Little Flower

I have something super fun to share with you guys later today, but for now I'm running out the door with children hanging off my literal person and late for everything.

To tide you over, here's a piece I wrote in honor of my #1 lady saint today, whose feast we will most definitely be commemorating with good French wine tonight: St. Therese of Lisieux, pray for us!

It seemed like a good idea at the time...


  1. Jenny, I clicked on the link and read your article about St. Therese, and it was extraordinary. So beautiful! And so inspiring. I felt the same way after I read The Story of a Soul: here was a girl who had very human flaws, just like the rest of us; yet she rose above them with her Little Way and became a great saint. I keep trying to be more like her...and failing. But this piece you wrote has gotten me all fired up once again to accept all the little difficulties of my life with her kind of grace--and maybe in all my littleness, I too could become a [little, little, little] saint. :)

  2. Jenny, your post is absolutely beautiful! St. Therese is so powerful, and she reminds me daily to use everything for God. I need a constant reminder! Hope this day is a beautiful one for you!


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