
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Catholics Do What? (31 Days to Understanding the Catholic Church's Teachings on Sex and Marriage)

I've been toying with the idea of joining the Nester for her annual 31 day writing challenge and now that October 1 has arrived, I can think of at least 23 reasons why committing to a project of this magnitude is a horrible idea, but I keep circling back to the notion of 'resistance,' which I believe Jen Fulwiler first introduced me to, and I can't help but think the fact that my mother's helper is awol for half the month, both my sons fell (separately) down the basement stairs today and Evie has the diaper rash/ear infection/teething trifecta to end all baby ailments simultaneously might just be a little bit of satanic static trying to slow my roll.

So I'm saying yes. This is my gift to the Church for the occasion of the extraordinary synod on the family, convening in Rome one week from today and lasting for 14 remarkable days, where the bishops of the universal Church will discuss "The pastoral challenges of the family in the context of evangelization." They'll be covering everything from divorce and remarriage to annulments to reproductive technologies and infertility to homosexuality. And of course, everybody's favorite Catholic stepchild, contraception. 

Each day of October I'll be writing on a different topic within that larger theme, with the hope that someone out there needs to hear the clear, concise truth of what the Church teaches about: (insert stumbling block here.)

So stay tuned, you're going to be hearing from me a lot this month. And pray for my poor kids, because I'm not even joking, somebody fell backwards off the couch while I was typing these 4 paragraphs. So many toddler heads to bang on so many hard surfaces...

Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15

Day 16

Day 17

Day 18

Day 19

Day 20

Day 21

Day 22

Day 23

Day 24

Day 25

Day 26

Day 27


  1. So excited for this Jenny! Such great topics to talk about. Thank you for accepting the challenge! I will be anxiously awaiting each of your posts. Blessings to you!!

  2. Love this and love your writing. I can't wait!

  3. I'm so glad you're taking this on. Just yesterday I was trying to explain the churches teaching on infertility treatments (what is accepted and what is not). I'm looking forward to having something from our bishops that is clear!

  4. How exciting! Looking forward to this and I'll be praying for you! The devil really does love to get in the way.

  5. Pumped for this and your last many heads, so many surfaces, so much banging of the accidental and intentional variety. Or is that just here?!?!

  6. Yes, this is great! Looking forward to this series. Prayers for the spiritual warfare! St. Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle!

  7. I can't even express how excited this makes me!

  8. This is a great idea for the challenge! Great subject choice: looking forward to following along and learning new stuff myself.

  9. Love this!! I'll pray for you (and will also pray that your kids don't get hurt too badly in the process, haha).

  10. Awesome! And you are too funny!! Keepin it real.

  11. Awesome! Great idea! Can't wait to read along :)

  12. So great! I can't wait to read your series. Thanks for your honest approach to writing!

  13. Oh, thank you thank you! With the days getting shorter/colder and the kids getting stir crazier, my mommy brain sooooooooo yearns for some blogging with a little extra meat on the bone. Looking forward to it, and good luck!

  14. This sounds awesome...excited to read along with you on the journey! What a great opportunity to witness to the awesomeness of our faith!!

  15. It's going to be a good month. Thanks for taking this on, and hope your kids run out of surfaces to fall down/hit asap!

  16. I'm so glad I found your blog! It's 3 am and I'm the sleep deprived mom of a 2-year old and a 2-month-old but I'm up reading your posts :)


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