
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Howdy, Sirius XM listeners!

Ciao y'all. For those of you who wandered over via Jen Fulwiler's kindly introduction, you are most welcome here. For my regular readers, I hope you enjoy(ed) the always fascinating (alarming?) phenomenon of finally getting to match a spoken voice with a written voice.

If you're new to these parts, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jenny and I live in Denver with my wonderful husband, Dave, and our 3 (+1) children. We lived in Rome for a crazy year during the great Papal transition of 2012, where one of our boys was kissed by Pope Benedict and I did a lot of laundry, pined for Target, and fed my baby powdered baked goods in his bottle.

These days I mostly write about the general chaos of raising small humans, understanding the teachings of the Catholic Church - especially where matters of the heart are concerned - and general social commentary on the craziness that is our modern cultural milieu.

I recently accepted a full time position with Catholic News Agency, a member of the EWTN family, and this little 'ol blog will be permanently hosted there soon. But don't worry, a lazy google search or a visit to my current URL will still land you in my virtual living room. God bless technology.

Oh! I also recently contributed a chapter to a book featuring a roster of far more impressive authors, and I've got more fun writing projects coming down the pipe. In my expansive free time, I paint my toenails and watch terrible documentaries on Netflix whilst sipping IPA. Or espresso, as my gestational state permits.

Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you're here.

(You can find me here on Facebook and Twitter.)


  1. Just heard you on the show! I already read your blog, and love it! Yes, yes, yes, we need someone to explain Humanae Vitae to us in an easy to understand way! We just had this discussion at my Church Moms group. It is much needed for today's families!

    1. Yay, thank you so much Sarah! I'm super excited about it, and a little intimidated, ha. But I'm tired of not having anything to hand to people to say "here, it's all here, and it's so good and beautiful and relevant!"

      Fingers crossed that I can do it justice.


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