
Saturday, January 3, 2015

New, relocated, and (hopefully) improved!

Starting in a couple weeks Mama Needs Coffee is going to be experiencing a big transition of the geographical persuasion. Beginning sometime this month, this humble little space is going to be absorbed into the journalistic behemoth that is Catholic News Agency.

Well, maybe embedded is a better descriptor than absorbed, because fear not, if you type in you are still going to land in my virtual living room. It's just that I'll be parked inside a big hotel lobby now. Or something like that.

Anyway, I hope you'll bear with me through the changes and the technical details, and I hope my non-Catholic readers won't be deterred because I promise, it's still me writing, and there won't be any pressure for you to read beyond my blog channel, unless you are so inclined.

I'm so excited for the opportunity to serve a larger audience, and to highlight some fantastically talented fellow writers (more on that later) but for now, be on the lookout for a fun new endeavor that will still sound 100% like me, but will  probably be 100% improved in design, navigability, and frequency of posts.

Thanks for hanging with me through what I'm confident will only be an upgrade. I can't wait to see how it all shakes out.


  1. Very exciting, Jenny! Congratulations!

  2. Congrats to you, Jenny! I'm so proud of you and so happy for you!

  3. Oh, exciting! Good for you, Jenny!

  4. Congratulations, Jenny! So exciting and so well deserved.

  5. Congrats!!! So excited for you1

  6. As long as you pinky swear to not stop blogging, I'll follow you wherever...! :) Congrats!

  7. Congrats! Your content is always so thoughtful and beautifully done! So well deserved and exciting!

  8. That's great Jenny! Best of luck on this new endeavor!! Can't wait to see what exactly could be so new and improved....

  9. congratulations! I'm new to your blog so it'll be interesting to see how this plays out :)

  10. that's exciting news! good luck as you start this new chapter!

  11. still your voice PLUS more frequent post? Win.

  12. Wahoo! Will we still be able to follow along via Blovin?

  13. I just started reading and love your blog. I subscribed via Feedly so I'm catching up on the ones they made available (the past month) and this is how far I've gotten. I'm atheist but I love your blog. I'm going to use some of your budgeting advice. I only teach dance so my budgeting is necessary. lol. I don't have any kids yet (my boyfriend has a 3 year old though) but I want some eventually, and I love mom blogs!

  14. I am a little behind in what's happening in the bloggy world. Congratulations my friend. This is wonderful news. Wonderful!!


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