
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Blog Roll

I don't know about you guys, but I always love seeing who other bloggers are reading. I haven't updated ye olde sidebar blogroll in...uh, ever, actually, but I do have a fat handful of regular reads that I'd like to share, though I'm guessing you're already all over lots of them.

So, I present to you in no particular order, my regulars.

First up, my pick for girl most likely to be my bff/ person I'd most love to sit down to a beer with: Bonnie. (Don't be creeped out Bonnie, it's just that, I love you.) I always click if she has something new, because she always manages to be classy, forward (but not too forward, you know? Like me, for example), charitable, funny as hell, and real.

Best fashion blogger/I needed to laugh: Duh, it's Grace. And because she's always mucho self deprecating and all kinds of humble, I don't even hate her for looking like a teenage supermodel, 4 mewling babes notwithstanding.

Best life in the trenches/sprinkles of profound faith: Ana. Plus, we knew each other in real life, first! (Remember when I crashed your wedding Ana? I mean yes, technically I was invited, but I think I RSVP'd like one week out? And then came as they third wheel to my sister and (now) brother-in-law, because I'd just gotten dumped. Charmed, I'm sure she was.) Oh, Imma add Kathryn to this category too, as a late entry, because my brain failed. Her stuff during her sweet boy's NICU stay is especially poignant.

Best photography/design/boy mom stories: Carolyn. Love her stuff. And she's also a resident maternal supermodel, but again with the humility and grace.

Most supportive "we got this"/here's how you DIY it: Jenna. Can't believe I forgot her!

Favorite crunchy mama. Well this one's a toss up. I love Nell and Haley both so much, and I think it's incomplete to call either of them "crunchy" so I think I'll go with eclectically organic with a heaping side of orthodoxy. Both so fascinating and wise. Nell gets extra points for being the cheerleader of the entire internet, and mad props to Haley for her sick social media guru skills (I participated in one of her FB parties once and holy interactive, batman.) So, it's a tie.

Most likely to make me look around and sigh, wishing she were sitting in my living room drinking coffee (or wine) and watching Downton Abbey with me: Christy. Love her writing, can't believe how much she reads, and can't fathom the length of her winters.

Blogger I wish would post more frequently: oh gosh, this one's another tie. Kaitlin and Regina are both two of my favorites, and are both so busy and important they never have time for my blog reading pleasure. Ahem, ladies.

Most underrated Catholic blogger: Michele. And I don't mean underrated like "nobody reads her and they need to be, "(though if you're not, you do need to be!) but just that she seems to fly under the radar and her stuff is so, so good. She's also a published author so prooooobably she is focusing her energy on loftier stuff than blogging, but when she takes the time to write, you are never sorry you clicked over. Plus her daughters are darling.

Favorite local blogger: New-to-me fellow Denverite Megan. Love her writing, love her story, love her solidarity as I boycott Target and salvage our family finances.

Experienced (read: doesn't wring her hands and sob at bedtime every night daddy works late) mother I'd most like to apprentice to. Jen or Hallie. Really either of them could teach me everything I ever needed to know about not losing my damn mind in the next decade or so, I believe. Colleen would probably also slap some sense into me.

Sporty blog: I love Susan and her beautiful reflections on motherhood and running and being a rockstar wife.

Living faith: Molly. She handles the gritty, non-always-easy and sometimes makes your throat catch. But always beautiful.

Unknown(ish): Kristine's is a blog I've been creeping for years, I think I found her originally through Jen's old blog, but I honestly can't remember. Anyway she has 4 beautiful babies, runs ultra marathons and dresses like a runway model so...I can't look away. Also, minimalism + clean eating. Can't get enough.

Fav non-Catholic blog: another one I've been reading literally for years and years is NieNie's. She's LDS and definitely super into it, but I just skim the heavy religious posts, and honestly, her commitment to her faith and her family is admirable. Also, her clothes/house/kids/pics are stunning. She and her husband survived a horrific plane crash a few years ago and she's a burn survivor with an amazing comeback story.

Smartest blog: probably Anne. Her curated content is so interesting. I like Joanna too, but some of her stuff is morally questionable.

Fav male blogger: I don't read hardly any man blogs (sorry guys?) but I do like Daniel's and Dan's.

My political muse(s): Julie. Or maybe Mary. Gah, another toss up. Both are so smart and witty and generous in their coverage of "the other side." You'll be a better person for reading them.

Home decor: love the Nester. I really like Ashley's stuff too, and Caitlin's.

Girls I just want to close down the bar with: Kate. And Steph. And Katrina. And Lisa. And Cari. And Dwija. And Rosie. And Kelly. Okay, pretty much everyone on the aforementioned list.

Can I just tack a few more on here? I mean, who can remember the entire internet? Okay cool: Olivia,  AnneKendraMary, Agnes, Cam, Christine . . . (dot dot dot, because I'm sure I'll think up a few more.)

I'm sorry if I missed anyone! I tried to retrace my frequent trolling steps so I'll have to come back and add to this list if I encounter any omissions, because dang this got long, and my back hurts from siting, and the friggin Patriots just won and the friggin Seahawks are currently winning. Blergh.

Anyone you love who I'd love?


  1. Comprehensive, fun, and well-thought out list, Jenny! Love the "little bit of this, little bit of that" format <3 Gotta go add some of these to my Bloglovin' feed;thanks for the suggestions!

  2. Aww lots of my favorites too! =)

  3. Annnnnnnd, now I feel pretty much famous :)

    1. Also- please tell the people annoyed with me that I am generous with then"other side" :) I hate being accused of not being!!!! Can't wait to check out these bad boys

  4. Well you knoooow if you still had connections in South Bend, we would be closing down Fiddler's for sure. We have aspirations of living near mountains so who knows, maybe CO will call our name ;)

    Love all of these, especially Michele. She is SO good at explaining the faith in the most peaceful way.

    1. Ohhh...I think I actually know what restaurant/pub you are talking about. We loved it there!

  5. Colleen Duggan is awesome! I don't see her much during the school year, but in the summer, all the mama's and kiddos meet at the lake every Wednesday. She is one fun smart lady! Can't wait to check out all the ones you named that are new to me!

  6. Awwww shucks. I am so humbled! And love the gals I know up here (and guys) and can't wait to get to know the rest!!

  7. Just a head's up, the link labeled "Lisa" seems to be broken, or maybe it just wouldn't work for me. Great list!! I love spotting the other FUS people's blogs;)

  8. Thank you! I'm honored to be listed among these ladies! (And, um two gentlemen.) Now... off to check out the ones I'm not already familiar with!

  9. There's only one thing that could make a Saturday night a helluva lot better: getting a mention among a list of all-stars from an all-star herself. You're the best, Jenny.

  10. Thanks for the shout out, Jenny!!!! Laying awake with an earache, and this totally cheered me up!!!

  11. I read about half of these blogs and I would definitely agree with you on categories : )

  12. Ha! Only after you slap some since into me! God knows I need it. And I agree, I could seriously glean some parenting tips from Jen F.

    I'm not familiar with some of these, so I'll be sure to check them out.

    Thoughtful as always, Jenny.

  13. Great list! I think we read all the same people just about, but I did find a couple new ones, so thanks!

  14. You forgot Lindsay. I think we all secretly admire her .....

  15. Thank you for adding a ton of blogs to the Catholic category of my reader! You should definitely check out Ginny at Small Things and Leila at Little Catholic Bubble. Both must reads!

  16. you're the best.

    Such a great list!

  17. This list is, like, my blogroll. For realz. I was clicking on some people just to be sure it was who I was thinking of, and yes, you do have mighty fine good taste!

    1. I was going to say the same thing! Thanks for the shout out, Jenny!

  18. Bestest list ever - they're all my faves, too. And you of course. I'd have a drink with you. =)

  19. This makes me want to hop a plain to Denver. Winter and all!

  20. This pretty much is my blog roll as well! Love them!

  21. Awe man, I'm feeling the pressure when YOU want me to keep blogging! What a compliment! Thanks Jenny.....but don't hold your breath. :)

  22. Wow, I am so honored to be on this list- you are absolutely one my all time favorites and I often just wish that my Blog reading could be replaced by drinking wine in my living room with you. You're the best!

  23. I am super honored to be named among these ladies- AND by you!

  24. Thanks for the links! I *love* A Cup of Jo - Joanna's blog. I've never found it to be morally questionable.

  25. You are so sweet! I definitely read most of these but will be checking out the new ones! And I totally saw "Rosie" and was like, " Oh hey, somebody else is named Rosie! " But then it was me...

  26. I have to tell you that I love your blog, I must follow and all my friends live in my computer too. Hello from Arkansas.

  27. What the what?! Thanks for the shout out! Can we all just get together in real life and have real wine and do fun things or something. That would be the bomb. Keep up the blogging! XOXO

  28. Completely offended at this post because of what you said about the Patriots. Hmphh. Not cool, Jenny, cot cool ;)

  29. SO humbled that you mentioned me at all here, let alone in the same line as the Nester! Thank you!!!

    Sorry about the Seahawks :)

  30. I've never closed down a bar before but it sure sounds fun. ;) And that meme- so true!
    You might like Vaimayervai (.com)- a young family we know that's living near Rome...and I love The Little House That Grew- I kinda want to be her when I grow up. :)

  31. Oooooo...lots of good stuff to check out. Thank you!

  32. Always nice to find some new blogs to follow.

  33. You are THE best, Jenny. I'll be out in Denver in May and I'm just saying that I'll probably need an alcoholic beverage and some trashy TV/Dave Ramsey listening buddy. (wink)

    I'm honored to be on this list with so many bloggers I admire, and to mentioned by YOU!

  34. I'm new to the blogosphere so I am so excited to check out all of your suggestions!

  35. So not only have I failed to pay a visit in an embarassingly long time to MY favorite new local/everythingelseonthelist blogger, but I've failed to even NOTICE until now that I owe you a huge thank you!!! Definitely humbled/flattered/swooning and little (and of course hanging my head in utter shame at the ridiculously belated "duh...thanks!") I can't wait to check the rest of these out soon! When life lets me...ha!


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