
Monday, July 28, 2014

Can't take the heat? Stay out of Texas

Oh my goodness, what a weekend.

I can safely say that nobody - and I mean nobody at that hotel - had ever seen anything like our assembly of women in varying stages and ages of motherhood + one very talented and very patient gentleman photographer who was capturing it all for posterity's sake. Oh the things that poor man must have seen....

Anyway, we came, we sweated (holy sultry steaming sidewalks, Austin) and we conquered what I am fairly confident is a premier party destination for bachelorette parties and spring breakers (summer breakers?) across the Lonestar state. Our hotel staff was top notch, and the venue could not have been prettier, but let's just say our fellow patrons were 100% drunker and 100% angrier between the hours of 11 pm and 5 am then most of our group. (I can't speak for the babies who may or may not have been angry and awake some of those hours.) Turns out 6th street is like the bourbon street of Texas, from what I observed. But hot damn, you people know how to make a good margarita.

Speaking of margaritas, one of my absolute favorite moments from the weekend was sharing a steaming rooftop table with Haley, Bonnie, Sarah, Adrienne and Christy as we sipped tequila and laughed like old friends. Evie was there too, but she was not imbibing. Directly.

The whole weekend was such a success. There was such a feeling of camaraderie and of sisterhood, even. Not a trace of cattiness, no cliquish dynamic, and, from what I could tell, everybody felt completely welcome. And they were. Oh, how very welcome each one of you were. Hallie perfectly captured the spirit of the weekend with her opening remarks -- "it is good that you are here."

 Marion and Haley's talks were so perfectly attuned to the spiritual climate of the audience. And then Jen...gorgeous, 6-foot-something supermodel Jen took the house down with her keynote address on Saturday night. What a party we had, ladies.

Let's do it again! Next year in __________ !

(I vote Denver.)

p.s. My darling Genevieve is BALDING after her stint in the humidity. Coincidence (she's 7 months old) or were her delicate hair follicles simply destroyed by the heat and stress of being worn against my chest, Ergo style, for 36 hours straight? I mourn. I weep. I need a better hobby...

Just call me John Paul 2.0


  1. I vote for Pittsburgh! ;)

    Wish I could have gone, but love hearing about it. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sounds like such a blessed weekend. Thanks for sharing your experience!

  3. Glad you had such a great time! Hopefully next year for me. And I would vote for Denver!

  4. Sounds like a great weekend...I loved following all the excitement! I would vote for a a mid-west...maybe Chicago?? :)

  5. Oh, yes, please have it in Denver... maybe I could come!

  6. That was one of my favorite moments of the weekend, too. Such good drinks. Such great ladies. ;)

  7. I live in Houston, but I would TOTALLY go to Denver! I LOVE Denver. (We lived in Greeley for 3 years when my DH was a FOCUS missionary. LOVE Denver.)
    Anyway, I didn't get to meet you (bummer), but you are just as lovely as I imagined!

  8. Charlestonnnnn. I'd be there in a hot minute.

  9. I loved your emcee remarks, and almost choked with laughter about your suggestion to introverts to go watch TV and rock ourselves in our rooms if needed. I discovered my introversion this weekend on a whole new level, but I still had a wonderful time! I'm so happy I got to meet you :)

  10. Jenny, I loved meeting you. Next year, I'll be baby free and we can chat a bit more! Quite honestly, I don't care where it is. I'll be there.

  11. Jenny--you're amazing. Love that we connected. And love that you were rocking the baby wearing/dancing all night Saturday. Wish we had more time together. Next year, we'll both be baby free? XO

  12. So fun. I'm there in my mind and it's perfect.

  13. If it is in Denver, I will totally help plan it. I don't blog, but I do love the logistics side of events. Weird, I know, but I am serious... And you know because you used to work down the hall from me :)

  14. I vote Denver too! You did a wonderful job as emcee--thank you!

  15. Hi Jenny, wish I could have been at Edel with you! I have a pregnancy related question for you: could I get your email address somehow? Best to you, Bley

  16. Love this! I vote Chicago for next year :)


Is your email linked to your comment? I'd love to respond to you directly, but I can't if it's not!