
Monday, April 14, 2014

JPII Love Story Linkup

You guys…I'm so overwhelmed with gratitude and I'm so humbled by all the prayer requests and intentions you've shared - keep 'em coming! We're going to get a little notebook and write them all down so that we can physically carry them with us and pray with them when things get rough 8 hours into the second leg of our flight. You know, like really holy people who offer up specific contractions for people during labor? Yeah, like that, because with travel, there's no narcotic option. (But I think we all know I'd take it if there were.)

This way, you can be there, in a way, standing with us in the Square when he is declared "Santo" … or standing with us .75 miles away near the Tiber, as it were. We'll see how close we can get without fear of "crushing the bambino!" which I'm guessing is more of a real threat when the projected attendance is near 5 million souls and there are triple the number of babies in one's care.

If the past 24 hours have shown me anything, it's how very powerful the intercession of Bl. John Paul II is, and how many people love him. And I know there are stories behind that love, and I want to hear them! I went so far as to design a graphic and will now begin the painful process of learning how to create a link up (what kind of blogger am I? I know.) so that we can remember him together, and celebrate our friendship with him as we lead up to the big day next week. So let me have it, I want your stories of how he changed your life, how he led you to your vocation, how he saved your sorry ass from yourself (that would be my story)…and always keeping in mind (for any of my non-Catholic readers) that when we celebrate the life of a saint it's in the same fashion you might celebrate the life of a loved one at a wake or funeral service. Only happier, because yay, Eternal Life! And to further clarify, we pray with the saints, asking their intercession the same way you might call your mom and ask her to remember to pray for your big meeting/test/heartbreak. It's that familial relationship within the body of Christ that gives us the confidence to say, hey, St. Joseph, brother in Christ, will you ask the Lord on my behalf for such-and-such?

I hope that makes sense. Moving on.

I'll link up my own story here later this week, and I invite you to do the same. Because if there's anything I'm sure of, it's that a whole lotta people love JPII, and I can't think of a better way to celebrate!


  1. Oh Jenny, I am so happy for you and your family that you will be in Rome for his canonization! What an honor and gift! :)
    It was a game changer for me when I had the opportunity to meet him alongside my brother at a private Mass in the Vatican in March of 2003. Jesus and the Church already had my heart, but when I was able to be there at his Mass and receive Jesus afterwards my soul was changed. I really don't have the adequate words to express it. After Mass, I was able to kneel before him and say " Holy Father, thank you for being a witness of love and hope to our generation" I meant it with all my heart. He was hope in persona for us and for me then (and still is). I was pretty nervous, but in response he affectionately touched my cheek and looked straight into my eyes/soul and I remember feeling like Jesus himself was saying "I love you, Diana". That was the change….I felt truly loved my God himself in such a tangible way. I would never be the same, but of course I fail miserably so I am glad to have JPII in my (heavenly) corner. :) - Diana A.

  2. I have a JPII story, sort of. I definitely feel, as a lot of people do, that he is my Pope. I wrote about seeing him at WYD in Toronto, I'll have to dig that up and post it for his canonization.
    If you could add it to your list of prayer intentions, I'd appreciate prayers for healing for my marriage and my family, and prayers for my 4 year old nephew Sammy, who has leukemia.
    Thank you!

  3. I am so happy for you! If anyone should go, it's you, my dear.

    Here are a few intentions to add to your book, if you don't mind!
    1. For coping/healing of my anxiety issues
    2. Health, safety, and vocations of my family
    3. For my family's faith to be taken to the next level

  4. We would love prayers that my husband would finish his dissertation this summer and be able to defend (in Rome!) in the fall. Thank you - and send our greetings to our beloved papas - Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict, and Pope Francis - and Bella Roma!

  5. Oh, a notebook and everything? Okay, I have too many to list probably, but the most important thing would be for my father's reversion. It seems so impossible, but God has worked bigger miracles, right?

  6. I'm super duper excited for you Jenny! Please pray for my husband's brother and his wife, that God would bless them with a baby, somehow or other!

  7. I'm so excited for you that you're going! Please pray for two family members that are very ill (one has aggressive breast cancer, one has ALS) and for my marriage and family. Thank you!!

  8. So exciting! I can't wait to read your story! Thank you for offering prayers for our intentions. If you don't mind, I'll add just a few to your book ;)
    1. The safe delivery of our son (in about a month)
    2. An easy transition into life as a work-from-home mom
    3. My husband as he finishes up this semester of nursing school
    4. For an increase in virtue and radical faith in our family

  9. Excited for you and will be praying for your trip! If you could please pray for us as we are in the process to adopt an older child from foster care. Specifically, that our home study will be completed and approved swiftly and that God would direct us to the child He has in mind for us. Thank you!

  10. This isn't my JPII love story, but I just came across this video and had to share. So beautiful!

  11. My husband just sent me this:

  12. I do not think I'll be able to join the link-up as my time with two hands free for typing is verrrrry limited these days .... but I am so excited for you!! If you would please keep a little boy named Emeric Gruber in your prayers. He is 2 years old and has Tay-Sachs disease, and has taken a turn for the worse recently. Thank you for being so generous with your suffering!

  13. Love this!! I had the same idea last night, and mentioned it on FB...Bonnie from Knotted Life told me about yours. Maybe we can do the link-up together? Let me know!! I'm at

  14. I love your post!! Love!~ Thank you for hosting the Love story hop!!
    I have another story post in the works...the one I am linking is from about a year ago.

    Enjoy, safe travels and WOW, I am so very happy for you!!

    God bless!

  15. Thank you for hosting, Jenny! Reading about your own journey to Rome and inviting us to share own own stories has really inspired me to dig back into the writings of our great Holy Father....and it's brought back some wonderful memories that I haven't thought about for a very long time. Thank you!! Can't wait to hear about your trip!!

  16. Thank you for hosting, Jenny! Reading about your own journey to Rome and inviting us to share own own stories has really inspired me to dig back into the writings of our great Holy Father....and it's brought back some wonderful memories that I haven't thought about for a very long time. Thank you!! Can't wait to hear about your trip!!

    1. Sorry about the double up on comments - I didn't realize my man was still logged in! :)

  17. If you happen to see this prayer intention, I'd be honored if you'd pray for our unborn baby, due any day. I loved reading your story. So, so beautiful.


    I missed the closing of the linkup but I still wanted to share my story. Thank you for inspiring me and for this wonderful linkup. Hope you received many peaceful blessings in Roma, the little ones too. :)

  19. Missed the timing of this, but still wanted to share JP II's effect on my life!! Thanks for doing this Jenny and praying for you!

  20. Great write-up! Writing is a talent, and it must not be wasted. As with everything that we had been entrusted, we should

    let it grow and share it with the world.>how do you

    motivate yourself


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