
Monday, February 3, 2014

We interrupt this utter lack of programming

To report from the land of sick and sad babies with head colds. Sriously, there is nothing sadder than a congested baby. Still, we did get her baptized Saturday evening, as planned, and she does smell deliciously of chrism and salvation and all that.

But she can either breathe or eat, and not both, which has made for a kind of awful weekend. Trying to sprinkle a few lunges here and there, coupled with polished nails and toes and extra shots of espresso, in the spirit of keeping the Wellness Project - and myself - limping along.


  1. Congrats on G’s baptism! So sorry about the colds though….ugh. Prayers for you and your family.

  2. Hoping your little one feels better soon! (And by the by, you inspired me to go to Walmart and buy my own pair of fitting jeans. Yay. :) )

  3. What a beautiful baby (and baptismal font!) Welcome to the church little Genevieve! Congested babies are so sad to be around. Not that you're looking for advice, but if you ever use doTERRA oils, the "breathe" mix (I'm pretty sure it has peppermint and eucalyptus in it, plus some other things) is a God send for congestion. When my littlest was a newborn, I just held it by his nose so that he could inhale the scent, and it drained him out so quickly. I usually rub it right on my own face if I need it, but I don't know all about the use of Essential oils with such little humans yet.

  4. Happy Baptism for sweet Genevieve! That being said, bummer on sick baby :(. I hope she gets past it quickly!

  5. Welcome to the Church, sweet little one! Saying a prayer for a healthy baby!!

  6. When mine were super congested, I would rub a tiny smidge of Vicks on myself right near the side where they were going to nurse. The scent of if would really help the congestion and the nursing.

  7. Father John Ignatius! I love it. Congrats on your new little Christian baby ;) and I hope you are all feeling better!

  8. welcome and prayer for your healthy like


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