
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Weighting Game

Still here, still pregnant, still trying to figure out why I thought it might be a good idea to slap a legit '.com' on the 'ol small time blog and then end up with 3 weeks of missed posts, dropped subscribers, and finally a really fun 2 days where both the old and new addresses disappeared completely. I may or may not have shed a tiny tear to the husband yesterday that I had ruined my beloved blog and therefore had no avenue through which to vomit my thoughts and feelings onto the internet. And at 38 weeks pregnant, believe me, I have a lot of feelings. I also cried because yesterday John Paul tracked snowy mud into the master bath which I had painstakingly scoured on all fours with a dish scrubber this past week, so go figure.

In short, I look amazing, my family is basking in the hormonal love-fest that is the late third trimester, and I'm locked in a deadly daily ritual of "consume most of an entire bag of Salsa Verde Doritos/swell up like a blowfish/deflate in a lavender epsom salt bath for 45 minutes to an hour. Repeat."

I think I've also pulled late nights the past 3 in a row trolling Grace's infamous birth story linkup, so I'm feeling simultaneously at peace and very, very disconcerted about giving birth a third time. Yesterday I casually mentioned a birth plan for this go-round to Dave, and offered him two slightly differing scripts to present at registration:

1. "Hi, I'm in labor. Please instruct the anesthesiologist to meet us in our room."

or the slightly more upbeat,

2. "Hello, this is my third delivery, and I don't want to feel anything but joy."

I think depending upon the date, we'll opt toward #2 for a holly jolly birthday but stick to the more direct #1 if she doesn't debut on Christmas proper.

Needless to say, I'm not planning on trying for anything close to approaching a 'natural' delivery this time around, unless by natural you mean the baby exiting the intended route rather than ala scalpel. So from that perspective, hell yeah, natural all the way. Just so long as the joy is undimmed by anything approaching back labor, persistent posterior presentation, or tearing/episiotomy slicing of any degree.

Our Advent has been so, so good this year so far. I am loving how much the boys - especially Joey - seem to be soaking in the different little ways we're observing the season, and I'm surprisingly really, really enjoying being "pregnant like Mama Mary was" during the most wonderful time of the year. Plus, it's been like 7 degrees here for a week straight, and I'm finally not sweating like a linebacker. I have gotten many a raised eyebrow whilst prancing about town in a sundress layered with a cardigan, sans tights, but I feel like I'm finally in a climate controlled body for the first time in months, so…winter babies for the win!
Fall babies are cute too, though. (Plus, look closely, he came with an owner's manual.)
This week is promising to be a flurry of fun, family reunions, moving days, girl's nights out, and various impromptu "only child(ren)"trips to Dairy Queen/Starbucks/whatever because 1. I feel like it and 2. The boys are just so cute right now, and I'm trying to soak up these last few weeks of the pair of them as a twosome, and big bertha mama with a baby on board and no cumbersome carseat on my arm.

To end on a technical low note, I'm hoping to have the IT issues resolved sometime this week, but in the meantime, the old address is the one that's functioning, and bloglovin' is unable to pull from my old or new rss feed, so you'll have to come visit the old fashioned way by typing in Vom. I hate technology and it hates me back.

Happy Second Sunday of Advent, and go Broncos!


  1. I absolutely LOVE both 1 and 2. Especially 2, which I may steal come April.

  2. I had two summer babies, a winter and a spring. Winter and spring is definitely the way to go. The two summer pregnancies were spent immersed like a beached whale in the baby pool at our swim club.

  3. Hi Jenny! I'm Heather and I was hoping you would be willing to answer my quick question about your blog! Please email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)

  4. I was just thinking earlier today that I missed your blog and wondered how you were doing. So glad bloglovin' is showing your new posts now and looking forward to catching up the posts I missed during the endless pumping sessions.

  5. Welcome back! I just got all the posts in blogger dashboard. So maybe it's all sorted out?

  6. This post showed up in my Bloglovin feed!
    Glad all is relatively well in your part of the world and looking forward to catching up on any posts I missed!

  7. Glad you are alive and well. Your posts went missing from my feed, so I just figured you were in 'hunkering down' mode as I like to call it, before the sweet baby girl gets here. Prayers

  8. I got all your posts for the past couple weeks at once and it was like a delicious blog breakfast buffet. I am saving some of them just because they are there and I haven't read them and I can, sooooo no complaints here. And the most recent one showed up on time, so hopefully all is figured out, and please know that I cry about my blog way more than is normal or natural, and I'm not even pregnant.

    I cannot wait to read Baby Bing birth story #3!!!!!! Many prayers for you!

  9. Aw, yay Jenny! I'm so excited your posts started working again. I'm still praying for you-these last days really suck. I cry over everything near the end. You're so close though, I pray you have a wonderful, peace-filled labor! Just like mama Mary!

  10. I use feedly and all your posts appeared on my feed today. Hopefully it's taken care of! Thinking of and praying for you and that little baby!

  11. Ahhh, YAY! I was sadly wondering what happened to you and the blog the last few weeks. Thank God!! I had like 10 posts to satisfy me yesterday. Thoroughly enjoyed them. Praying for you guys as the big day approaches. Can't WAIT to see the beautiful girl baby!

  12. Ohhhh I was wondering what had happened to you! But it was absolutely a treat having all your back posts appear in feedly during a 4 AM waking. Glad you're doing well! Prayers for a stress-free holiday season :)


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