
Friday, November 29, 2013

Please Pray for a Miracle

My heart is so heavy y'all. As I sat up late trolling the internet tonight, I saw news of a friend and former co-worker from my Steubenville days whose sweet baby girl was delivered via emergency c-section earlier this week after a placental abruption.

She is so, so beautiful, and her parents just got the devastating news that she is most likely profoundly brain damaged from the oxygen deprivation she suffered at birth. Will you all join me in praying for a miracle for this family? This sweet baby is their fifth, and all of their children are completely adorable. Her mama was almost exactly as far along as I am now, and my heart aches for them in a way I cannot even begin to explain.

Her dad is blogging her progress and recovery here, and there is a page set up here to help cover their expenses as they commute hours to and from the NICU and care of their four other young children. Please pray, pray, pray for a miracle for Lillian Faustina Maria.

St. Lillian of Cordoba, pray for us!

St. Faustina, pray for us!

Our Lady of Loretto, pray for us!

St. Kateri, Lily of the Mohawks, pray for us!


  1. Oh, I'm so very sorry. I will keep baby Lillian and her family in prayer. I have a cousin whose son was born 8 weeks early due to a placental abruption and though he had a tough go of it at first and some problems lingered for years, he's now a healthy almost-six-year-old who carries few traces of his rough start. May Lillian be just as blessed.

  2. Thank you, Jenny! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


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