
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

5 Favorites, With a Brogue

Coming at you live from one very comfortable hotel room in Dublin City center, where we opted for a 2 day layover to break up the transatlantic madness and soak in a little heritage, to boot. Linking up with Hallie because hey, there's free wifi.

1. Irish butter. Mmmm, mmmm good. Like so, so good and not gonna try to pretty this up...Joey ate 4 pats straight up at dinner last night. And we were like, hey, we're not judging you between bites of french onion soup drenched in Guinness something-or-other and one million ounces of sweet yellow gold. Olive oil was well and good, but holy mother of dairy products, Irish butter takes (and slathers and moistens) the cake.
2. The Guinness Factory tour. Did it. Poured a pint. Drank a pint. Watched surprisingly entertaining interactive videos of coopers making barrels, played in the mother of all sandboxes (a 20x20 box filled with barley) and convinced both boys the amazing glass elevators and waterfalls meant we were at a theme park. Only the theme was 'Mommy and Daddy are actually having a better time than you are.'
We came,
We poured,
We conquered.
World's most awesome sandbox. Minus the sand, plus barley.
Homeschooling. Nailed it.
3. Fish and Chips. Beef and Guinness Pie with Chips. Caesar salad...with Chips. What? I've been in a pasta desert. A wasteland of breads and grain-based carbohydrates. ALL THE POTATOES GET IN MY MOUTH.

4. Irish people: we're awesome! Seriously though, every 10 minutes we'll be walking down the street and Dave leans in to whisper "that girl looked just like your sister Tia" or "Now I see where you get your taste in architecture" and even "everyone here looks like they're related to you." I'm somewhere between 50-60% Irish, but my mom tends to overestimate the amount of shamrock in our shake. After being here less than 24 hours, I can honestly say there are few places I've ever felt more 'at home' in my life. The people do all look like my family members, and everyone does have fabulous pale skin and freckles and is a normal shape and size, etc. And the weather! Glorious cool and comfortable non-Mediteranean climate. Truly, this Isle and I were made for one another.
"Irish ponies are superior to Italian stallions."
5. An Anglo (and I mean this in the 'conquered and populated by Anglo Saxons' kind of way, not a weird racist way) approach to life is seriously refreshing after a season or three spent in a country designed and run by hyper sanguine, espresso-chugging drama kings and queens. As our Italian landlord put it oh-so-perfectly during our farewell meeting: "Never forget, Italy is a country with Scandinavian ambitions operating within a central-African infrastructure." Indeed.

And aside from that, a few man on the street observations about Northern vs. Southern Europeans, from my very professional and detailed study of two cultures, involving 9 months and 9 hours, respectively: Guess how many strangers have touched me today? Zero! Not even my big, tempting belly has had a single unsolicited grope. And the number of heated exchanges and/or physical altercations involving personal space issues/differing opinions on the safe distance to stop a moving vehicle in front of a loaded stroller? Also zero.

What the what? Seriously, my blood pressure is so low, I probably should have had a second Guinness to level things out.

Ireland, thanks for being my gateway drug back into the land of the free and the home of the brave. We'll be back, but next time, we're bringing a babysitter.


  1. So glad you guys got to visit Ireland - we absolutely loved it and feel your pain for the babysitter; Lillie was 4 months when she had her tour of the Emerald Isle! Enjoy:) But hurry home - we miss you!!

  2. so much to love about this post. The cake line..perhaps the best in all of blog land.

  3. Could I be more jealous? Jury's out. Enjoy!!!

  4. Ireland is the best! My brother went recently and said he must gave seen twenty girls that were my clone! Good old pale skin and freckles :-)

  5. I could eat a whole pack of Kerrygold!

  6. I went to Ireland during the Austria trip. The minute I stepped off the boat, I knew I would never, 'need' to travel anywhere again, because I was at the place I had always wanted to be. I have been lots of places and continents since then, and still, I would be absolutely content if I never were able to go anywhere again (Okay that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but you know what I meant!).

  7. Never left a post feeling hungry before...

  8. I mean this is all seriousness, but that is the most accurate comparison between those two countries I've ever read. Very impressed at something I've never quite been able to put to words. So glad you're having a great time!!

  9. The British Isles are the best (of the handful of European countries I've been to) and for all the reasons you've mentioned. Plus I would add that we speak the same language, they just have fantastic accents.

  10. There aren't words to describe how jealous I am at your amazing layover! But I'm also really happy for you because it looks like a fabulous time. Your description of the climate, the people, and the Guinness factory are definitely tempting me towards taking a spontaneous vacation!

  11. That was just all kinds of hilarious!! LOVE the Irish/Italian comparison!

  12. If you don't tell anyone, I'll admit that I eat Kerrygold butter by the pat, too. Good fats, FTW.

  13. I would love to chat Ireland with you one day! I spent a Summer there and I want to bring Mike back!

  14. I'm glad you all had such a great break on your way home! We went to Ireland on our honeymoon and (of course) loved it. Including the cooper videos at the Guinness museum - way more interesting than I would have ever imagined. I also really liked the exhibit of old Guinness ads/posters. Enjoy the rest of your visit and have a safe flight(s) home!

  15. I think this may be my favorite post. Glad to have you on your way back to the States!

  16. Aww, this sounds like the best time. Even with toddlers. And now I'm totally craving a Guinness!

  17. Sounds like an awesome trip!! That pict. in front of the Guinness factory is too cute!


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