
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Raindrops on Roses, etc.

Just 5 of my current favorite things, featured by Hallie via Grace. Thankfully, since I've been utterly spent for cohesive content today, I can keep my daily streak alive.

The best.
Today was the loveliest day I've had in Rome in ... maybe ever? Dave's sweet younger sister is here, taking a breather from her exotic life as a tropical disease specialist in Cambodia, and she is rapidly rocketing to the top of my roster of preferred Uebbings. Not only did she remain utterly calm when Joey peed his pants in a Vatican bike shed this morning (that's another story for another day... like maybe his wedding day), but she later did my dishes for me while I banged out some work during nap times. So I'm keeping her.

Dave bought this book before our London/Denver flight earlier this month, and passed it on to me after he'd finished it and even though I was totally halfhearted in my agreement to give it a whirl, I fell truly, madly, deeply in love and Savage Garden, hold me back, I wish I could un-know it simply so I could re-read and enjoy it all over again. If you like Jane Austen, Downton Abbey, small children, puppies, pastel nail polish, and anything else that is good about the world, well this is the book for you.

This is the banner on my favorite gelateria's homepage. Which is pretty accurate, all things considered.
Gelato. Every day. Because I'm hot and pregnant, and not in the way you'd think. I'm 19 weeks in and 8 lbs. up, which may be a lifetime record and may also be very poor form to mention on the internet. I'll be checking back in at week 29 weighing in at approximately 55 lbs, so stay tuned. 

This palate, purchased during a stopover in the very glamorous South Bend, Indiana. (maybe you've heard of the University Park Mall, Ana?) It's Bare Minerals Ready Eyeshadow 8.0 in The Power Neutrals ($40), which is approximately $35 more than I generally spend on eyeshadow, and frankly, it shows. Almost every day, regardless of how little I've slept or how underdressed I may be, if I swipe this magic potion across my eye lids, my husband purrs his approval. Just trying to keep the magic alive. Plus, it has a chart (don't judge, don't laugh) that instructs me where to put what, and for which occasion. Since I was the eldest girl in our clan and wore Star Wars t-shirts to school until the 8th grade, I may have been just a tad on the late blooming side of the feminine forest. So.


I am in love with my MacBook Air. I got it for work and it is the perfect combo between a tablet and a laptop. I'm not sure of the pricetag, but my boss has some sweet connections and I'm sure he got a deal. I have last year's model and it's fantastical for a million reasons, but mostly the batter life, the screen clarity, the layout, and the 'intuitiveness' that is the Mac interface. I was a skeptic, but now I'm a believer. Whenever I have to type in, I am supremely irritated by how clunky "Joey's" hand-me-down PC is.

Prayers for Hallie as she takes to the friendly skies with half her brood tomorrow. Grace has the virtual fort in her capable hands.


  1. I second "Death comes to Pemberly" as one of my favorite reads lately. So good-and I was thankful the ending wasnt what I was expecting!

  2. I'm glad to hear that you liked the book - I've been chicken to try it because I don't want it to ruin the original Pride and Prejudice... which, obviously, is very mature of me. I will also admit to using eyeshadow charts, although I don't think they do me much good. Maybe I need more practice? And I'm sure high-end eyeshadow would help, right?

  3. You had me at UP Mall!!! I haven't been there since my Saint Mary's College days loooong ago. So jealous that you're in Rome - that's where I studied my sophomore year at SMC. I gained 17 pounds... maybe bc of the thrice daily gelatos. Thank God Rome is a walking city or it could have been much worse.

    Meggie @

  4. I read that book and enjoyed it, too. I was afraid to read it for the same reasons as Francine, but I was surprised by how good it was.

  5. Love those eyeshadows!! And, I was just given a MacBook Air too and well, I don't know how to use it. It's my first one :)

  6. I'm twenty-six weeks along and for some reason only five pounds up. I'm actually starting to get kind of worried about it...

    So far drowning my solace in ice cream seems to be working pretty well, though.

  7. I'm not usually a fiction reader...but I trust you just enough that I might need to give it a try!!

  8. I've been searching for a beach read and that one sounds like a winner!
    Um, pretty sure I was 8 lbs. up when I was 19 DAYS pregnant with this last pregnancy, so I am quite jealous. And are those clowns on that banner??

  9. That was the best book review I have ever read. Thanks for that!

  10. I paced UP Mall many days when pregnant with my oldest. I commend you for going there; since there is really nothing there! And now i need to trek to the library to check that book out.

  11. Your "Savage Garden hold me back" - I wish I would have written it. So funny.
    And now I want to read the book (even though I don't like dogs at any age or stage).

  12. Love Macs! I'm going to have to check out that book now.

  13. I hear you on the make-up. I finally landed upon mascara, eyebrow liner and lipstick (the revlon colorstay ultimate suede that Hallie rec'd and actually does stay on) as being my magic potion combo. Yay for 8 pounds! Very impressive! Be careful with the air. I had one (admittedly 1st gen so maybe they've improved?) and it was really easy to break the antenna. I believe it was in the hinge part between the body and lid and I am notorious for over bending my screen.

  14. I just logged into my library account and requested Death Comes to Pemberley. Thank you!!


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