
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Little News...

Because I'd be remiss if I didn't announce it to you, my lovely long suffering readers. Thanks for all the lent ears during the great laundry wars of 2013...things are looking bright for the Uebbing family.


  1. Hallelujah!!! So glad you all will be back in the States and near your families :)

  2. Congratulations to you all!

  3. So happy for you guys, Jenny! Please tell Dave we said Congratulations!!!

  4. Congratulations! What a wonderful opportunity for Dave! Where will this next baby be born? Roma or the States?

  5. So exciting! Welcome back to the land of A/C, Chipotle, and Target!

  6. What amazing news!!! And, you and your family look gorgeous in your press picture, btw. :-)

  7. This is big news Jenny! Happy for you guys, and happy you don't have to have any Italian childbirth traumas! But there is a part of me that's sad you're not in Rome anymore...I don't quite know why...

  8. Wow!! Congratulations Uebbing family! I have loved following your adventures in Roma and are sad (for us!) that they are coming to an end. Thank you for helping your superTarget friends appreciate the perks of American child rearing all while exposing us to la dolce vita :) God bless all of you!

  9. Wow! That is impressive! Congratulations to your husband and best wishes to all of you as you prepare for your move! Exciting times!

  10. Wow, what an honor to be chancellor for such an incredible archdiocese! As a former diocesan employee myself, I know what a huge commitment that is for the whole family. God bless you!
    And I have to say I'm relieved. I don't even know you, but I've been to an Italian hospital before and I was already worried about you having a baby in one of those places! I've loved every entry on your Italian adventure and perspective on motherhood, but can't wait to keep reading about the next adventure!

  11. Congratulations! From a view of St. Peter's to a view of the Rockies ... not bad at all!!

  12. Congratulations Uebbings!!! So very happy for your family! :)

  13. Congrats.. I really enjoy your writing. Hope your move goes well.

  14. Congrats!! And wow to Daveon the job!! So great! Although, I am a bit sad I will not get to meet you when I go to Rome with my husband.

  15. I am so happy for you all!!! Congratulations! And come on home!

  16. oh wow! I am so happy for you that you will be going back home. I'm sad that now we'll probably never meet in Malta but as someone else said, relieved you won't have to experience the erratic Italian health service. Wishing you all the very best and may God be with your beautiful family always.

  17. Congratulations! That sounds like a wonderful job opportunity for your husband, and I'm sure you're thrilled to be coming home--especially since you'll be so close to family. (I'll miss the funny stories about life in Rome, though--they've been quite entertaining!)


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