
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday Best + WIWS

Bandwagon jumper.

Dave said the outfit was a winner today fact, I believe the direct quotable was 'You should wiss this, hon.'

Sorry for the humiliating shout out, honey.

Not one to disappoint, I give you the evidence:

Come closer.
Little sweaty, little blurry.

Blouse: Old Navy
Skirt: White House Black Market
Sandals: Aeropostal (don't judge me)
Accessories: Target, various Italian street vendors
Sheen of summer: pregnant in Italia

The me break it down pre and post homily:

Liturgy of the Word: Joey: A; JP: B+
Liturgy of the Eucharist: FFFFFF + another F. Strangely, I felt almost zero stress as they were melting down. Too tired to care? Too anonymous to feel judged? Whatever, I'll take it.

The church (not our usual parish, which is also pretty) was beautiful ... one of the most beautiful in all of Rome, I would dare to say. And I can't find any internet images to steal to prove it, so I'll have to go back and snap some one day.

Happy Sunday, friends. Check out Grace's crew and the WIWS ladies for the rest of the virtual fashion and parenting parade.


  1. I was perusing the "popular" page on instagram last night and saw one that said "a moment of silence for those who still wear aeropostal." Pretty sure 1/4 of my closet still boasts the lower-right-hand pink butterfly. And I also think a 12 year old posted that gram. No judging here!

  2. How are you pulling off a tucked-in shirt while pregnant? You look GREAT--you don't even look like you're expecting. Pregnancy (and Italy) really agrees with you!

    It's so cute that your husband liked your outfit and wanted you to link it--I guess they DO notice what we're wearing. :)

  3. Love it! And how is it that you look skinnier than when you weren't pregnant? Ridiculous!

    Also I kind of desperately want to know how pregnant European women dress. Or are there never any pregnant European women around? Be on the lookout for their maternity style!

    And the Liturgy of the Eucharist is usually when the meltdowns start for us, too... The kids always do a lot better at daily Mass, I think 30 minutes is about their time limit for good behavior these days (or 3 minutes, if you're Cecilia...).

  4. I love the blouse...super cute! You look great...definitely a winner outfit!

  5. Is this the Church that resembles a Mosque on the inside?

  6. Jenny, I know you don't read your blog comments anymore but hopefully you will read this... You look great! How far along are you? Cus you don't look Prego! Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!

  7. no no no, I read my blog comments for SURE! Just not comments anyone else's blogs, or on any news articles...freedom!

    I'm 3 months this week, and I cannot WAIT to see you guys in like 10 days...not that I'm counting. P.s. Dave made me watch the video of Gigi reading the Hungry Caterpillar and it. was. amazing. She has your EXACT dictation!

  8. Note to self: move to Italy the next time I am pregnant in order to look so fantastic. :) I like your little glints of turquoise.

  9. You look amazing!! Pretty sure you look smaller than I did BEFORE I got pregnant!!!

  10. I could not even tell you were pregnant! Way to go. And no need for shame--those sandals are super cute.

  11. You look great! And I love the turquoise accents! They really pop!

    And the church you went to this week really is beautiful.

  12. I agree with everyone else...cannot even tell you are pregnant! And I love that you were possibly too anonymous to care because that would so be my strategy.

  13. Everyone talks about how Santa Maria sopra Minerva is the only Gothic church in Rome (because Sacred Heart on the Tiber is neo-Gothic). But this church looks pretty Gothic to me...

  14. Here is my exciting comment I wanted to comment on yesterday!

    Jenny you look so great and not one bit pregnant! Ridiculous. Rome's beauty is contagious!
    And don't you love those Roman churches who did stripes before stripes were cool??

  15. As you're checking out churches in the Prati district, don't miss St Joachim's over on Pompeo Magno (just next to the traffic circle) I stumbled upon it one day. On the exterior, there's a huge mosaic that shows the various continents (each personified by a different individual) in adoration in front of the monstrance. Inside, there are altars to the different patrons of the the different countries that paid for the church to be completed. It's a gem!

  16. PS They have extended Adoration there, too!


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