
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dear St. Anthony...

Please find us some rain!

Just treading water here in smoking hot Rome today with my 2 insane toddlers making me question my mental competence, but I thought I'd throw out a plea for prayers.

My family's home - the house I grew up in, the house that is currently holding 4 out of 7 siblings for summer break plus Mom and Dad - is under serious threat from the Black Forest Fire, burning uncontained and out of control in Colorado right now. So far they're only under pre-evacuation orders, but my parents are packed and ready to move should the order come. We are praying it won't.

Please also pray for the 360 families who have already lost their homes in the past 24 hours. This is the most destructive wildfire in Colorado history, and it is raging in the most bizarre and frightening conditions: single-digit humidity, temperatures approaching triple digits, and lightening strikes unaccompanied by any rain. It's awful. And we're supposed to be home in less than 6 days. Praying fervently that we have a home to go back to.

St. Anthony, St. Florian, pray for us! And protect the brave firefighters battling to save countless more homes - and lives.


  1. I am in Colorado Springs, and I am joining you in that prayer for your family, for all those that are waiting and wondering. I know too many people in the same position as your family and in the position of being out and wondering if they'll have anything to come back to. Too awful! I just want it to stop!

  2. I'm in Southern California, so I know how scary wildfires are. You can count on our prayers.

  3. Sending prayers their way.

  4. I've been hearing all about the fires out in Colorado. I promise you, your family, and all those in the west my prayers. I just feel sick thinking about those homes. St. Anthony, pray for us.

  5. Our oldest son, his wife, and our three granddaughters live out in Colorado Springs. Our boy is an Army Chinook helicopter pilot who has been helping to dump water on the fires. They have some friends who've lost their home. When we pray for them, we'll pray for your family, too!

  6. Prayers are on repeat here. And we are hiding inside due to the smoke- even in Littleton.

  7. Praying for your family and all those in Colorado!

  8. Praying for your home and your family, all of those who have lost their homes already, and the firefighters battling the blazes.

  9. Praying Jenny. Keep us posted.


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