
Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Clerical Sort of Saturday

Today was, all things considered, one of the most fun we've had in Rome so far. Today was also the day that Dave's best friend (and the best man in our wedding) was ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Denver. So even though our hearts were far away at altitude today, we still managed to ring in Father John Ignatius' big day with a grand ghetto celebration abroad.

The man himself, toasting us on our big day.
While waiting for the livestream coverage of the Mass of Holy Orders, (which we nerded out to for 2.5 solid hours. How many theology degrees up in here?) we took the boys up to the super picturesque nearby soccer field to watch the team of seminarians from the North American College (the NAC) dominate the somewhat more melodramatic Latin American team to clinch the coveted "Clericus Cup" for a second year straight.

Also it's kiiiiind of a cool view.
Joey was mucho impressed with the game and the fields, which I'm going to attribute almost entirely to the fact that we let him try to pee on a tree. John Paul put a lot of weird things in his mouth, so he had a really great time, too.

The real highlight of our pre-Ordination celebration was, however, finding the world's most ridiculous looking BBQ at our teeny local grocery store and dragging it home to perch on our balcony.

Those holes aren't going to poke themselves, mother.
Summer has officially begun in the Eternal City.

While it would have been infinitely sweeter to be there in person to witness to Father John's (and Father Paul Kostka's!) transformation into 'priests forever, in the order of Malchizidek,' I'm thanking God for the internet, a little bag of charcoal, and a husband who is still in the kitchen scrubbing down the aftermath of a whole day spent in domestic neglect.

"It's happening, mom!"
Father John, Father Paul, we couldn't be prouder...and we are eagerly awaiting your visit later this month with 3+ months worth of pent up Confessions. Kidding. Okay only a little bit. (Do you have any idea how hard it is to find an English-speaking priest? Or how lazy I am?)

Buona Dominica, tutti.


  1. Go to the enlglish- speaking line at St. Peter's.... Easy peasy! Did it every 2 weeks whole I was there. It's in your hood and since you're already there a ton....

  2. Congratulations, Fathers! What a very wonderful day!

  3. Um that picture. Of your husband, you know, BBQing with St. Peter's in the background?!?! I can't even... so awesome.

  4. I agree - great picture!! And congrats to your friend. With 4 boys up in here, I'm hoping that I'll get at least ONE priest out of the bunch.

  5. don't all these ordinations going on give you SO much hope!?!? So grateful for these holy men!

  6. OMGosh... St. Peters in the background as you BBQ. So awesome. Your view is seriously fantastic. I am not sure I would leave the balcony if I were you. Also, congrats again on adding a third child to the crew. I was just wondering if perhaps you added "patience" to your list of prayers recently. I have found that praying for patience often results in more beautiful opportunities to practice patience (spoken as a mother of 3 little ones).

  7. So, when he toasted you at your wedding, did he start by saying, "God. is. here."?
    And hooray for finding grills for summertime! And for gorgeous views!

  8. I don't know if you're still having difficulties finding an English-speaking priest but I can probably be of some help. Send me an email if you're interested :)


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