
Sunday, March 3, 2013

What to Write

When there is so much to say?

I have the unique position of being on the other side of a 'hockey stick effect' as my boss calls it, that moment when internet traffic spikes in a dramatic and upward fashion, (much like the angle between the face and the handle of a hockey stick, get it?) and here I have this incredible spike in traffic...and nothing particularly profound to say.

I mean, there's so much I could say...but how much would be relevant, interesting, or effective? When I started this blog more than 7(!) years ago (insane) it was called something else - The Great Deception - and I wrote almost exclusively about contraception, abortion, Theology of the Body, and other culturewars-esque stuff. About 6 months ago, it became clear that my days of dissecting the philosophical banqruptcy of Planned Parenthood's operational model had given way to, well, more mundane discussions and lamentations of my own journeys through parenthood. Thus, Mama Needs Coffee was born.

I still like to have a good time, philosophically and theologically speaking, but I spend a whole lot less mental energy dissecting the Culture of Death these days ... and a whole lot more trying to live antithetically to it.

For any of you new faces who made your way over via one very cute baby face, I guess I just wanted to say welcome, explain myself a bit, and invite you to come back every once in a while for riveting discussions on apostolic succession and potty training. And maybe some pointers on how to make thee very best margarita of your life. (Hint: silver trumps gold in this equation.)

At any rate, thanks for stopping by. I can't promise pretty graphics or amazing craftiness or even half decent outfit ideas...but I can assure you of my honest, thoughtful, and sometimes irresponsibly passionate opinions on the stuff life is made of. Hope you'll pour a cup and hang out for a while.


  1. Anything and everything you write is always wonderful and a pleasure to read. Miss you lots and lots! Living vicariously through you every day! Thank you for sharing so much of your personal experiences during this historic time. It makes it all feel more "real". Love you!

  2. Hi. I am a new reader because I saw your photos of the amazing blessing of being sooo close to Pope Benedict. I feel such joy for you. Praise God for His never ending love for us. You write honestly in this post. I like it and I plan to read more. Thank you.
    p.s. Sorry for having to post this as "anonymous" since my name is, Julie, but this is the first time I've commented at a blog.

  3. Hi there-

    KJust wanted to let you know, as a courtesy, that I referenced you/your blog as well as several other blogging friends in my Memoir Monday blog post for tmrw...It is not up quite yet, but I did pub it long enough to grab the URL:
    Thanks for everything..

    gotta run but wanted to stop in and thank you and let you know.

  4. Just keep being yourself, Jenny!

  5. I didn't "know" you before this blog, so I have no comparison! But I love this one! Keep up the great posting.

  6. "...but I spend a whole lot less mental energy dissecting the Culture of Death these days ... and a whole lot more trying to live antithetically to it."

    Ah yes. I can relate. :) Someone living it takes a whole lot more energy than dissecting it ever did! God bless.

  7. Waiiiiit. Wait. Wait. Wait. YOU'RE Jenny from The Great Deception? My world has officially been rocked. I am going to have to clear off my calendar so that I can do nothing but ponder that this week. That blows my mind.

  8. Hi Jenny! I found you because of the amazing photo but I'm all in - you're in my Reader!


Is your email linked to your comment? I'd love to respond to you directly, but I can't if it's not!