
Thursday, November 15, 2012

But I Don't Like Pasta

Remember my sneaky sotto voce aside about discernment and being bad at it?

Well, the time for pondering has come and gone. Decisions have been made, authorities have been notified, and the grandparents have been traumatized. In less than 2 months, we are packing up our worldly possessions and moving these bello bambinos of ours to the eternal city for a crash course in Italian immersion.

That's right folks, we're that crazy, and we're moving to Rome.

Dave was presented with a career opportunity we simply couldn't refuse, and so after much prayer, conversation and weekday drinking (which was really just practice for our new lifestyle) we've decided to pull the trigger.

Are we excited? Um, yes, a little bit.


Yes, that too.

We have one gluten free family member and one lactard in our ranks, so the land flowing with cheese and pasta is going to be culinarily...challenging.

I also have a rather virulent aversion to heat, so summers should be fun.

But I digress.

We're moving to Italy, people! With babies! And we don't speak Italian! We're crazy!

And now, I must be tending to the somewhat daunting task of liquidating the entirety of our worldly possessions, minus a few outfits and our digital camera.

Which brings me to one final piece of information: anyone in the Denver area wishing to buy an entire houseful of furniture, $2,000 + worth of baby gear and a sensible Honda Accord in dark gray, call me, maybe?

Until next time friends, Arrivederci.


  1. Jenny! This is so exciting! What an incredible opportunity (and transition...whoa)--you will be in our prayers! Thanks for sharing such wonderful news!!

  2. How exciting! Can't wait to hear all about it!! Good luck with all of the pre-move preparations :)

  3. Jenny, is it weird that we've never hung out but I'm totally sad that you're leaving?? Bummer.

    But on another note, happy for you and your family. What a fun adventure! Be sure to keep plugging away at this wonderful blog of yours. We'll be happy to "join" you each day ;)

    1. Cynthia, I say we celebrate our impending departure by finally having an in-person coffee session. What say you? :)

  4. Wow! That is so exciting and so brave of you! Prayers! Say hi to Santa Margherita for me :)

  5. Wow! That is so cool!

    My brother, who can't eat gluten, just went to Italy and said that gluten-free pasta is offered EVERYWHERE, and the government there is really sensitive to people who have celiacs, in fact they test the children routinely for it. Your son is in good hands!

    1. Colleen that is SO great to hear! Thank you!

  6. This. is. awesome. Will things around her become 'Mama needs Espresso' or something? This is going to be a wonderful opportunity for you, and technology will make it bearable for the grandparents. Good luck on your adventure!

    1. hahahaha YES! Absolutely doing it. I will definitely be relying even more on this 'virtual community' from afar.

  7. Wowee-wow-wow!! How exciting! I hope you're going to continue to blog, so we can see all the fun!!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. I will miss you, my friend :( nonetheless, I am over the moon excited for your many adventures to come! You only live once!

  10. I will miss you, my friend :( nonetheless, I am over the moon excited for you and your adventures! We only live once!

  11. Wow, what a fantastic adventure! You're so brave!!! Looking forward to reading about your journeys.

  12. Wow, what a fantastic adventure! You're so brave! Looking forward you reading about your journeys!

  13. Wow, Jenny, that is so exciting!!! I won't tell you that I'm more than a little jealous...

  14. I think Blogger just ate my first comment. Anyway, I was just saying congrats & imploring you to keep blogging. :)


    How have I missed this and all references to this heretofore? What the what?!?!? I am not in Denver and cannot offer much advice except that the University of Dallas has a campus just outside of Rome, so if you're ever jonesin' for a pile of English Speaking American Catholics, you just go there.

    Unless....UNLESS HIS JOB IS THERE IN WHICH CASE I JUST GOT EVEN MORE TOTALLY EXTRA SUPER JEALOUS. It is, isn't it? He's gonna work at UD in Rome isn't he? Tell me!


Is your email linked to your comment? I'd love to respond to you directly, but I can't if it's not!