
Monday, October 1, 2012

Saint, Therese, go Saint Ther-ee--ese

Seriously, love this girl so much.

For anyone who hasn't read it, check out Story of a Soul, her autobiography. It's a quick, powerful and beautifully simple treatise on the spiritual life, and you will fall in love with her Little Way.

I can't put my finger on it exactly, but my entire family has had a devotion to her from way back when, and we have a fond collective memory of wee Christina (the youngest Senour sister), composing and performing a St. Therese rap for her 5th grade 'Famous Person I'd Like to Meet' project. For realz. And in public school.

If you do nothing else today, toss a quick prayer Heavenwards for her intercession. And watch out for roses! (I was surprised with a dozen of the red varietal last night by a very thoughtful husband, who claimed ignorance of knowledge of the dawning of October.)


  1. I can't make it all the way through "Story of a Soul". The writing style is one I find extreeeeemely difficult to read. However, I do love her.
    My priest today, a very intellectual sort of man, not given to public expressions of sentimental devotion, spoke unabashedly about the showers of roses that are signs of her intercession. She has that effect on people.

  2. I have been looking for my roses! Such an exciting feast day, I know!


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