
Monday, September 17, 2012

If they really cared about the good of the mother...

So often the pro-abortion movement claims to operate from a place of concern for the life, mental well-being, 'rights' of the woman, etc.

Ignoring the biologic reality that removing a human life from within the mother's body is a vile and treacherous attack on not only that fetus but on his or her mother, they advocate abortion as a kind of sacrament which purports to guarantee a woman's freedom in our sick, sad culture.

Much like those aid organizations who pass out condoms instead of cornmeal and counsel for better birth control for a people without wells for clean drinking water, pro-abortion activists insist that the child is always either a symptom of the problem, or the problem itself.

Forget that mom might need a scrip for Prozac or a few hours a week of housekeeping help or even intensive outpatient therapy. It's much easier to prescribe infanticide or sterilization.

And yet, so few women protest, at least externally. So many simply nod their heads and swallow the lie, that something is wrong with the way they've been created, that their female bodies betray them at every turn, and that doctors and mental health professionals don't have to take them OR their conditions seriously because it can surely be fixed with a pill, a patch or a quick 'procedure.'

May God give strength to women who are resisting this lie, and may He give light to a culture so steeped in darkness that many more accept without question.


  1. I just love your thoughts. I am sure you get plenty of dissonance for speaking out, but I am just here to say you inspire me to keep speaking out too. I have been told so many times that I should just keep my mouth shut if I don't want to be persecuted, but that's not what the Bible says to do, now is it?

  2. First, the following comment is not an attack on you, your religion, or beliefs/values, so don't take it that way. When you speak of the abortion issue, you must remember that not everyone has the same belief system you do and therefore do not see abortion in the same light as you. It's a deeply personal choice for a woman to have an abortion and many factors come into play. The health of the mother IS a major factor. For example, an in-law of mine got pregnant for the first time, after several appointments with the Dr. a complication was revealed and she was informed if she carried the child to term, her chances of survival were slim to none. This is a situation where many women would choose their life over that of a fetus. It is their choice to do what they see as best for them. Other women may see it differently and choose to die, as this woman did (the baby was not healthy at birth and did not live very long afterward either, so her attempt was really in vain). Women should not be hateful towards others just for their medical choices and YES we should have the option to terminate our pregnancies if we so choose. Most of the women I know that chose abortion, did so not because of mental instability, as you suggest and Prozac, a cleaning lady or therapy wouldn't have helped them; one case was due to rape, another just poor timing. However, in both cases it was the woman who made the final decision to have an abortion, not anyone else. I do find it a little contradictory that you state that a woman doesn't need an abortion, maybe just some Prozac, but further down your post, you condemn doctor's for using PILLS as a "quick fix." I also wanted to address Jenna@CallHerHappy's statement that she should just keep her mouth shut if she doesn't want to be "persecuted." How is it you're being persecuted? You're not being forced to have an abortion. I'm sure no one calls you horrible names for not wanting an abortion. If anything, you are persecuting those that wish to, by arguing against and pushing for a ban on their right to do what makes them happy and what is best for their health (both mentally and physically). You both need to realize that not everyone believes what you do and although you may not agree with another's choice, it is their decision to make. Personally, unless my life were in danger or in the case of rape, I could not have bring myself to have an abortion. My personal beliefs do not mean others should not have that choice. You see, since the procedure is legal, woman can have it in a safe and sterile environment; whereas if the procedure is banned, women will still have it done, it will just be more of a safety risk (one which many will still take).

    1. Anon,

      (How I love anonymous postings. So bold. So reasonable).

      A few points in reply to your comment:

      1. Abortion is not a 'deeply personal choice,' but rather, the termination of a pregnancy and along with it, the life of a very young child. You may hold this to be my 'deeply held personal opinion,' but science and moral law agree that abortion is the killing of an innocent human person.

      2. A mother who willingly gives her life in sacrifice for her child has made a sacrifice in vain? Really? Are you yourself a mother? Would you not lay down your life for one of your children, no matter if your act of heroism bought them 10 days or 10 years of life?

      3. Healthy people have no more 'right' to live than do less healthy people. An argument for killing a baby who is in some way 'defective,' either by genetic mishap or by having the audacity to be conceived in rape (as if he or she had a choice) is a weak argument at best. At worst, it is so much apologia for eugenics.

      4. My analogy was perhaps poorly made, but the mention of pills for a 'quick fix' was an allusion to contraceptive or abortifacient pills, both of which 'fix' a female who is fertile or pregnant. I have nothing against Prozac, obviously, and I certainly don't want to minimize the very real difficulties of bearing and raising children, especially in the most painful and unfathomable circumstance of rape. But you know what? I know someone conceived in rape. His mother gave him up for adoption. She was a hero. And he is no more or less human than you or me. No less deserving of a life.

      5. Your personal beliefs - and mine - should not dictate laws. Laws come from the Lawgiver. And from the universe we inhabit, which is constantly revealing to us a natural order of things. So whether or not you believe in God, it is always wrong to kill an innocent human person.

      6. You condemn Jenna's statement about persecution. Well, if you are a Catholic living in the US right now, that's exactly what's happening. Should we keep our mouths shut while the government siphons money from our paychecks and through taxes to pay for other people's abortions and birth control (some types of which actually CAUSE abortion)? Should we step quietly aside while the government dictates what our religious leaders can and cannot preach about from the pulpits of our churches? Should we keep quiet while our schools, hospitals and charities are forced to pay thousands (and in some cases, millions) of dollars in punitive fines and taxes for refusing to subsidize abortion in their employee health plans?

      I appreciate your comments, I really do, but I find your relativistic ability to hold two contradictory ideas at the same time a bit off-putting, and I can't say anonymous posters are my favorite.

      Still, always fun for a little learning opportunity.

  3. Maybe this is a very simplistic view, but I can't help but think (regarding terminating pregnancies b/c a baby is unwanted either for medical or personal reasons), "that person who is completely okay with abortion is here and alive, well what if their mom had felt as strongly as they had about abortion?". How can we limited, flawed, humans possibly know the purpose of each life, and so how can we choose who stays and who goes? I had a patient recently tell me, "the Dr. told me my kidneys failed b/c I had 6 kids in 7 years." Regardless if the Dr. said that or not I told her, "so if you had to do it over, which kid would you leave out?" She talks about her kids all the time, and I know she truly loves each of them.

    Someone I know was told her baby had several markers for Down's Syndrome. Her baby was born several months ago perfectly healthy and not a trace of Down's, so clearly medicine is not omniscient. I wonder how many times perfectly healthy babies have been aborted b/c of a "possibility"? And is there honestly ever a perfect time to have a baby?

    I know parents have high hopes and dreams for their children, and all parents want them to be healthy and live normal lives, so it's understandable how the news of a malformation or serious medical condition can truly rock their world. However, even the most difficult of circumstances can become something beautiful. I think this story expresses it perfectly:
    I love how she is so honest and embraces all the emotions she felt. The good, bad, and the ugly.
    Also, Anon, when you mentioned your in-law's attempt was in vain, how long would the baby have to live for her attempt not to be considered in vain? (Honestly wondering. Not trying to be smart-alecky.)


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