
Friday, August 17, 2012

7 Quickies

1. I spend too much time on the internets. Between my job, my penchant for stumbling across new and life-changing blogs, and my naptime addiction to, I have a problem. And I'm ready to admit it. That and my almost 2-year old sometimes bursts into tears when I open the laptop. Priorities, I haz them.

2. So I decided to write about it...on the internet. Yeah.

3. Parenting. Small children. Any advice/suggestions/reading recos? I am slowly transitioning from survival mode to 'maybe I should do something proactive about my child's behavior and character formation.' So far, all I've got is 'spend less time on the internets' while he is awake. (Obviously he is awake now. 10 points for me.)

4. We live 5 minutes from a Starbucks now. Damn you, green mermaid. I just can't resist your siren call, gay agenda and chemical coffee notwithstanding...

5. Joey is obsessed with fans. Oscillating or otherwise. Expect an ER-related post soon.

6. I have inherited a producing garden and smallish orchard/vineyard. There is literally produce pelting our roof and filling our walkways in its overabundance, and i have no idea what to do with it or how to care for the fecund fields of bounty in our backyard. Any tips from mamas with greener thumbs? So far I've managed to identify: peaches, apricots, strawberries, rhubarb, mint, plums, zucchini, 3 different grape varietals, and possibly some beleaguered tomatoes.

7. John Paul is pulling out not small chunks of my luscious post-partum locks and sucking energetically on my collar bone, so I bid you adieu. Please remember little Quinn and her family in your prayers today. And, as always, off to Jen's you go.


  1. Hi. I have commented anonymously before. I am the one with the three boys in 2.5 yrs. As far as the produce goes - you can slice and freeze the fruit - peaches, apricots, strawberries, and rhubarb in ziploc freezer bags for uses later. They will be good for desserts or smoothies or with granola and yogurt etc. Also, you can freeze whole tomatoes for soups etc later. Just throw them in a sealed bag. Or you can roast them and freeze them - they are great in the winter, much fresher tasting than canned ones. Find the intstructions on the internet.... loads of recipes. It is super easy. Of course, all of this assumes you have some extra deep freeze or freezer space. Other option is to walk down your street and give all the surplus away! I have done all of the above! Good luck.

    1. I had no idea you could freeze tomatoes! Brilliant.

  2. I echo Kayla. Freeze everything you can pick. You can place them on a cookie sheet individually (sliced or whole, as in the strawberries). Once they are frozen, place in a ziploc freezer bag and use all winter. Delish in smoothies.

    Book recommendation: Making the Terrible Two's Terrific, by John Rosemond. I am a Mom of 5, and I have read and re-read it with each child. Really great book, easy to read, and even if you don't implement anything, he does a great job of explaining the toddler mind so you can at least understand WHY he does what he does.

    1. that sounds great - I've only read one toddler book thus far and it was so bad (happiest toddler on the block) that I've yet to pick up another...

  3. I am currently on the interwebz while 80% of my children are awake, so don't listen to anything I say.

  4. jenny - in desperation, sean bought "happiest toddler on the block" when joseph turned 18 months. i agree - it is terrible. you are not alone in your struggle...trying to navigate the bumpy road of toddlerhood for the first time is definitely an opportunity to shave some time off purgatory. :) i will call you soon - we still owe you dinner! in the mean time, we will continue to watch your blog for book recommendations and say some prayers for your patience! :) (say some for mine, too!)

  5. My kids constantly remind me I'm online too much. I use the Chrome ap StayFocused to help me, um, stay focused on stuff other than the internet. You can set it up to block sites entirely or give you a set amount of time before it blocks a site. We're off school this month so I'm surfing with impunity but come September I only allow myself 15 minutes combined total on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. between 9 and 3. It's been a huge help.

  6. Ugh. I'm so glad that everyone else is addicted as me. Let's not get help and just surf the Internet all day. K?


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