
Saturday, July 28, 2012

I was so wasted last night...

Oh, wait...nope. That was just the way I felt after watching theee most disturbing/depressing/discordant Opening Ceremonies ever. Ever. There was a giant, creepy baby made of paper mache, a ginormous Dementor torturing a 7-year old girl on a floating hospital bed, and inexplicable choruses of swing dancing nurses-turned-creepy-marionettes.
Are you having a waking nightmare yet?
Oh, and a tribute to the internet. Which was shockingly reported to have been invented by someone other than Al Gore.

God save the Queen, indeed. Thanks for a glimpse into the terrifying future of godless secularism, Brits.

1 comment:

  1. Bahaha! I couldn't even get through it. What does it say about our pathetic culture when the National Health Service, and the internet are our most praise worthy cultural symbols? Or the Brits in this case. It was so weird. But then I think pretty much everything about the olympics is so self important and ridiculous.


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